This decade of china charity fair: Seven Pivot Points Pivot China's Charity "Butterfly Transformation"
发表日期:2022-11-13 19:39:00

"Since its establishment in 2012, China Charity Project Exchange and Exhibition (hereinafter referred to as "CIF"), the first exhibition of charity in China, has gone through ten years. During the past ten years, the fair has been guiding the charitable forces to focus on people's livelihood and national strategies, giving full play to the role of the third distribution, and making outstanding contributions to further promote the high-quality development of China's charity. Today, the exhibition is continuing to struggle with hundreds of millions of people to paint the picture of a new era of rural revitalization and common prosperity with more wonderful "China stories" and "China solutions".


An important window to showcase the achievements of charity development in a big country

In 2012, China kicked off a new era of poverty eradication, and in the past 10 years, the deep feeling of "I will think of the people's worries and do what they want" has been transformed into the Party's solemn commitment to the people and practical measures, unveiling a great struggle to eradicate poverty in a dramatic manner. By the end of 2020, China will complete the target task of poverty eradication in the new era on schedule, nearly 100 million poor people will all be out of poverty, 832 poor counties will all be removed, and 128,000 poor villages will all be listed. The charity shows have actively participated in them and promoted and contributed to thousands of good deeds of public welfare.

During the past 10 years, the brand influence of the exhibition has become more and more prominent as a platform for social forces to mobilize and participate in the national strategy, a platform for displaying and exchanging the achievements of national charity development, a platform for docking the resources of all elements of charity, and a platform for communication and dissemination of charity culture, and has become an important window for China to show the development achievements of charity to the world and an important window for the international community to observe the reform and innovation of China's charity.

During the past 10 years, the exhibition has also been perfected, establishing the core concept of "Collaboration - Co-creation - Sharing", the LOGO of "Doing charity with heart and soul, and the mascot "Shan Shan", and other basic logos, forming the core concept of the exhibition. "The exhibition has formed four brand modules: exhibition and exchange, seminars and conferences, resource matching and supporting activities, opening up a new path of open, interactive and shared charity development.

Adhering to the people first and making people's lives happy is the "greatness of the nation". Looking back at the extraordinary decade, the exhibition has covered 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, docked 2,620 projects with a total amount of more than 70.1 billion yuan, held more than 1,600 charity events, showcased and promoted 10,663 organizations and more than 30,000 branded charity projects, attracted more than 26.8 million people to participate in the exhibition, and cultivated a large number of exemplary charitable organizations, projects and public welfare Talent ...... a number, highlighting the breadth, depth, speed and temperature of China's modern philanthropy.


Cohesion of all sectors of society to help the national strategy of strong synergy

"I am a Chinese child, love to speak Mandarin ......" In Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan Province, where Soma flowers are blooming, more than 430,000 ethnic minority children have learned Mandarin during the 3 years of the "Pre-school Learning Pu Mandarin. Relying on the platform of the charity exhibition, Sichuan Labthink Group has donated 10 million yuan to the education foundation of Liangshan Prefecture, and the demonstration sites of "one village, one child", "Labthink kindergarten teacher class" and "central kitchen" have been built, The implementation of "one village, one child" demonstration site, "Blue Light kindergarten teacher class", "central kitchen" construction and other schooling programs have given children in deep poverty areas wings to fly high and become a future force to interrupt the intergenerational transmission of poverty and promote rural revitalization.

As the only national charity industry co-creation platform in China, CIF has always been guided by national strategies and actively practiced its mission since its establishment. Especially since 2018, CIF has focused on the theme of poverty eradication, with the same bull's eye for three years, from the "medical insurance for major diseases" to "teaching people to fish" to help people's will and wisdom, from "10,000 enterprises helping 10,000 villages "to "good things out of the mountains"

From the "Ten Thousand Enterprises Help Ten Thousand Villages" precise poverty alleviation to the "Goodies Out of the Mountain" direct broadcast with goods action, it has set up a "heart-to-heart bridge" for the precise docking of deep poverty areas and social charity resources, and written a vivid note for leading and mobilizing social forces to serve the "two big situations".

In 2020, as the closing year of the exhibition's three-year focus on poverty alleviation, the 8th Charity Fair maintained a steady growth in the number of exhibitors, projects, poverty alleviation products and resource matching results despite the impact of the new crown epidemic, and the total number of declared exhibitors, projects and products increased by 1397 or 49.89% compared with the last Charity Fair. Among them, the number of exhibitors and projects actually approved increased from 1,687 to 1,966, an increase of 16.54%, and the number of poverty alleviation products doubled, an increase of 114.72%. In terms of resource matching, the total amount of intended resource matching facilitated by the 8th CIF was over 13.52 billion yuan, an increase of 80.27% compared with the previous year, of which the intended amount of poverty alleviation project matching reached was about 7 billion yuan, an increase of 20.69% compared with the previous year ...... This is the result of CIF's efforts to promote the innovative development of philanthropy and build a social It is also the epitome of the national effort and the ability of all sectors to overcome poverty.

From 2018 to 2020, the Fair has displayed and promoted a total of 5,318 organizations, projects and 3,198 kinds of consumer poverty alleviation products, carried out more than 270 resource matching activities such as road shows of poverty alleviation projects, promotion of poverty alleviation products and information release, and attracted more than 450,000 people to participate in the Fair; the total amount of poverty alleviation resources matching is close to 34.02 billion yuan. This is a powerful "information bank", displaying excellent projects, typical models and innovative cases in poverty alleviation; this is a huge "resource pool", with more and more poverty alleviation projects and charity resources radiating from the signing stage of the exhibition to the whole country. The exhibition is a huge pool of resources.

Overcoming difficulties and living up to the people's expectations.

In 2021, with the new mission of helping to consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation and promote rural revitalization, the 9th Charity Fair set off in a new way with comprehensive online and cloud-based assistance, attracting 2,255 organizations, projects and 2,237 products to participate, releasing information and promoting 145 roadshows, resulting in an intended matchmaking amount of over 3.74 billion yuan, and injecting new vitality for further linking resources from all sides. The event has injected new vitality to further connect resources from all sides and help rural revitalization.


Create an accurate and efficient docking service platform for charity resources

"Dongxiang is so remote and isolated that villagers used to be afraid to raise more sheep for fear of not being able to sell them. After the promotion of the charity exhibition, the three special products of Dongxiang sheep, embroidery and potatoes were welcomed, which gave us great confidence." Ma Zidong, deputy governor of Dongxiang Autonomous County, Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture, Gansu Province, went to the exhibition from thousands of miles and felt a lot of emotions. At the charity exhibition, the Beyoncé Guoqiang Public Welfare Foundation subscribed 50 million yuan worth of Dongxiang poverty alleviation products, and also donated 300 million yuan to build Gansu Guoqiang Vocational and Technical School.

Poverty eradication and attack is valuable in precision.

In 2014, based on the system rules and mode of cultural property trading, the third charity exhibition innovated for the first time to create a "public welfare charity resource matching system" and launched a "charity resource matching service platform", which has rapidly become an important platform for domestic public welfare charity industry. It has quickly become an important venue for resource matching in the domestic public charity industry. From this session onwards, the "Never Ending Charity Fair" was launched, and the online platform was operated on a regular basis for 365 days, realizing "one day of exhibition, one year of service".

In the past 7 years, the "XiDanEr Car Wash Center" has opened 28 car wash shops, which has driven more than 400 people with intellectual disabilities to become self-reliant and employed nationwide. The project of "Collecting Goodness and Poverty Alleviation Health Walk - Interconnection and Joy" and Shenzhen Disabled Friends Group's "Hand Heart Vision" project have enabled many people with disabilities in poor areas to achieve "one person's employment, the whole family out of poverty". "......

The model of poverty alleviation recommended and replicated by the charity exhibition, which focuses on the "six precision" of supporting objects, project arrangement, fund use, measures to households, assignment of people to villages and poverty alleviation results, makes charity promising and useful.

In the past 10 years, 2,620 matching projects, more than 70.1 billion yuan of matching funds, more than 1,600 charity events, 10,663 organizations and more than 30,000 branded charity projects have been showcased and promoted by the platform of ......, allowing social funds, professional talents, advanced technology, project services and other kinds of resources to It also enables many grassroots charitable organizations and talents to obtain a series of solutions and catch up with the development level in a big step.

As an exemplary project, the China Charity Project Competition, a supporting activity of the Fair, has selected and empowered a total of 9,429 emerging charity projects with the most development potential for 10 consecutive years, resulting in over 500 million yuan of matchmaking between charity projects and the capital market and achieving a 1:24 leveraging effect of charity funds. In particular, the "Social Innovation Board" will be launched in 2019. The "Social Innovation Board", launched in 2019, has become the first platform for funding public welfare projects in China in line with the "private equity investment" model, with a total of 200 million yuan of projects signed and a significant demonstration effect of accurate and efficient matching.

Gathering leading-edge wisdom on philanthropy trends

The conference and seminar is one of the core sections of the exhibition. Over the past ten years, we have created 9 high-end, forward-looking and leading international public welfare seminars, 79 sub-topics seminars to share cutting-edge public welfare models and in-depth study of wisdom cases, and over 450 community roundtables and interactive salons to deepen the practice. The conference brought together more than 1,200 experts and scholars, front-line practitioners, and local representatives in the field of philanthropy at home and abroad, stimulating in-depth discussions on global poverty reduction, rural revitalization, sustainable development, the third distribution role of philanthropy, impact investment, Internet philanthropy, philanthropy legislation, philanthropic trusts and other issues, and sorting out and refining innovative solutions and feasible solutions to promote the high-quality development of philanthropy. Innovative solutions and feasible paths for high-quality development.

In particular, from 2018 to 2020, the exhibition has held 3 international seminars on the theme of "Great Power Attack, Winning 2020", 24 seminars on different topics and 19 interactive salons, inviting more than 500 experts and scholars, front-line practitioners and local representatives in the field of poverty reduction and eradication. Over 500 experts, scholars, practitioners and local representatives in the field of poverty reduction and alleviation were invited to participate in the exchange and sharing. The latest research results, such as the China Urban Philanthropy Development Study and the China Charitable Giving Report, were also premiered through special conferences at the fair. The spirit of people and social organizations in poverty-stricken areas was enriched and sublimated, enriching not only their "pockets" but also their "heads".

Relying on the platform of the conference, the exhibition has been planning ahead and continuously promoting the cross-border cooperation between enterprises and charity, so that social enterprises can take the lead in taking root. The discussion on "Social Attributes of Enterprises and Social Entrepreneurship" in the 2nd CMC Sub-forum opened up theoretical research; the release of the first social certification model "CMC Social Enterprise Certification Measures (Trial)" by a private organization in 2015, and the subsequent social enterprise certification activities and graded certification system are practical exploration. As of 2018, the Fair has accepted 1,352 applications for social enterprise certification, of which 227 have passed the audit to become certified social enterprises and 26 have been awarded the honorary title of "Gold Social Enterprise". With the support of the unique business+philanthropy model of social enterprises, these "Gold Medal Social Enterprises" have grown and become an important force in promoting the innovative development of China's philanthropy.

In 2016, the first year of the promulgation and implementation of the Charity Law, the 5th Charity Fair focused on the theme of "Promoting Goodness according to Law and Helping Poverty Alleviation", organized a series of exchange and discussion activities around the implementation of the Charity Law and the innovative development of Chinese charity, and played an important role in guiding the standardized and sustainable development of the charity industry.

The light of ideas shines in the future.

The hot ideas such as public welfare venture capital, impact investment, Internet public welfare, digital RMB consumption help vouchers, etc., which were first discussed and collided in the charity exhibition, have been gradually implemented and lead the innovative development of China's philanthropy. The social forces grown up under the empowerment mode of the charity fair are playing a more active role in expanding the channels and space for diversified and multi-level participation in social governance, and in building collaborative solutions to social problems across regions, fields and sectors, which also allow the fruits of reform and development to benefit the people more and better.


Powerful promotion of international exchange and cooperation in philanthropy

"Philanthropy is one of the best investments to be made in the common future of mankind. The rapid development of philanthropy in developing countries is leading more new actors to engage in solving local and global challenges to eradicate poverty and benefit the planet." said then UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in a speech at the fifth edition of the charity fair.

At the 9th CiFest International Symposium on the theme of public welfare, Nobel Peace Prize laureate Muhammad Yunus, founder of Grameen Bank (Village Bank) in Bangladesh, said, "Never in history has any country achieved so many people coming out of poverty in such a short time and in a sustainable way achieved, so China has really achieved something unprecedented, something unprecedented in history, and the whole world admires what China has achieved in poverty reduction."

The exchange and sharing of domestic and foreign guests and scholars converged into a beam of philanthropic wisdom to illuminate a new path to get rid of poverty and achieve rural revitalization and common prosperity. As the only national, international, and comprehensive charity exhibition, CIF has the courage to promote China's poverty reduction strategy, advance the development of poverty reduction in the world, and achieve the poverty reduction goals set by the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It is a great responsibility of a great nation.

Over the past 10 years, the fair has actively promoted international exchange and cooperation in the field of charity, carried out global exhibition promotion activities, opened international charity exhibition area, held international charity theme seminars, etc., gathering "going out" and "coming in" in the same time and space, not only showcasing The exhibition not only showcases the outstanding projects of international public welfare organizations and the special overseas projects of domestic public welfare organizations, but also demonstrates China's role as a big country in poverty reduction and sustainable development, which has become an important link between domestic and international philanthropy.

At the fourth edition of the exhibition, the organizing committee linked up charitable organizations from 43 countries and regions around the world, established for the first time a resource matching channel between China and international charitable organizations, and established cooperation and exchange mechanisms with the Social Enterprise Fund of the United Nations Development Programme and the Asia Philanthropy Venture Network, resulting in 20 overseas charitable resource matching projects and 16.51 million yuan in matching funds. Since then, internationality has become a major characteristic of the fair, which continues to this day. At the fifth edition of the exhibition, the official microblog of the United Nations gave praise to the conference, further expanding the international influence of the exhibition.

Under the leadership and support of the Fair, more and more outstanding domestic social organizations have also accelerated their "going out". China Rural Development Foundation, China Youth Development Foundation, Amity Foundation and other organizations have carried out assistance in Nepal, Cambodia, Myanmar, Sudan, Indonesia, Ethiopia, Pakistan and other countries and regions, spreading love and responsibility to all corners of the world.

Promoting digital transformation and upgrading of charity exhibitions

In response to the changes of the times, the CMC has taken the lead in exploring the wide application of new generation information technology such as Internet, big data and artificial intelligence in the exhibition, allowing the deep integration of digital technology with public charity, real economy and innovation and entrepreneurship, and amplifying, superimposing and multiplying the effect of technology for good.

In 2020, the 8th Charity Fair took the lead in exploring the digitalization of charity exhibitions, adopting for the first time a dual-wheel drive and in-depth integration of online and offline exhibition mode, setting up an online exhibition hall as an extension of the offline exhibition, and digitizing and visualizing the core functions of traditional offline exhibitions through continuous, all-round and panoramic exhibition displays.

In 2021, the fair anchored on higher standards, better concepts and better quality and efficiency, and was upgraded for the first time to hold a "cloud exhibition" for real-time communication and scene sharing, allowing old and new friends of global philanthropy to meet in the "cloud". The 9th Charity Fair innovatively opened up "cloud display", "cloud meeting", "cloud docking", "cloud experience" and other functions The 9th CIF has innovatively opened up "Cloud Display", "Cloud Meeting", "Cloud Matching", "Cloud Experience" and other functions, created a cloud exhibition platform integrating various functions such as display and exchange, seminar and meeting, resource matching and public welfare experience, designed and developed web, H5 and small program versions of the CIF cloud exhibition portal, fully opened the "365 days x 24 hours" all-weather service mode, realized the digital transformation and upgrading of the exhibition, and broadened the exhibition The exhibition has broadened the spatial and temporal dimension and coverage of the exhibition, allowing the public to see the fruitful achievements of charity development without going home and experience the unique charm of public welfare participation in an immersive way, making new exploration and efforts to empower the development of the industry.

At the same time, as the leading benchmark of the charity industry, the exhibition also empowers the industry and helps the development of "digital charity" by showcasing digital technologies that can be applied in the charity industry, joining hands with Internet charity platforms to promote the concept of digital charity, and providing digital solutions for industry partners to enhance credibility and improve work efficiency.


Create a good atmosphere of charity for all people

The series of exclusive plans such as "China Charity Fair in the Eyes of Foreigners: Read the Temperature of China", "Play the Ninth Charity Fair", and "Cute Children See Charity, Invite You to Experience the Charity Fair" The series of exclusive plans, such as "Meng children see charity and invite you to experience the fair", show rich perspectives; 9 artists, such as Liu Mintao and Nie Yuan, make exclusive CALL videos for the fair and mobilize fans to help; "landmark" light shows, such as the "Shenzhen's tallest building" Ping An Financial Center, APP open screen advertisements, and outdoor public service advertisements realize the multi-functional public service of subway, bus, airport and elevator, The "I am the hometown recommendation officer" short video, "I am the hometown endorsement" online relay and other diversified immersive new experience of viewing the exhibition, driving the public to add firewood and color to the revitalization of the hometown, gaining more than 3 million people. The "phenomenal" circle of friends forwarded; the microblogging topic #ChinaCiFair hit the hot search, with over 30 million readers ......

Through an integrated online and offline, all-round and multi-angle inter-temporal layout, the exhibition linked various outstanding exhibiting projects and carried out over 1,600 charity experience activities in an interactive and artistic novel performance form; with the official self media platform of the exhibition as the first position, it linked more than 800 media outlets such as People's Daily, Xinhua News Agency and CCTV to promote good charity projects and models, spread charity culture, and cultivate a vibrant "charity" culture. We will promote good charity projects and models, spread charity culture, and cultivate a vibrant "charity oasis".

In the past 10 years, the exhibition has become a vivid epitome of the vigorous development of China's philanthropy and a model project for the high-quality development of China's philanthropy. To achieve a great dream, we must promote a great cause. The 20th Party Congress proposed that Chinese modernization is the modernization of common prosperity for all people. As an important part of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, philanthropy has a special role in eliminating poverty, achieving common wealth and promoting social harmony, and is an important force in modernizing the national governance system and capacity. With a brand new stage of development, the exhibition will certainly hold high the banner, stick to its original intention, and make a new and greater contribution to promoting the high-quality development of charity with Chinese characteristics.

(Source: "China Civil Affairs")