2022 China Charity Project Competition has been launched, Shenzhen track lock "livelihood services"
发表日期:2022-07-11 13:55:43

The reporter learned that the 2022 China Charity Project Competition (hereinafter referred to as "the competition") has been launched, the competition adheres to the concept and method of public welfare venture capital, through the organization of public welfare venture capital competition, focusing on "selection and empowerment of emerging quality public welfare projects The competition will focus on "selecting and empowering emerging high-quality public welfare projects". The Shenzhen track is targeted at "livelihood services" and is open to projects with the ability to provide services on the ground in Shenzhen, with a grant of 640,000 RMB to select 10 outstanding projects.


Recently, the competition held the second cloud promotion and Shenzhen track promotion meeting. Representatives of the Organizing Committee of China Charity Project Exchange and Exhibition explained the theme highlights of the competition, the course settings, the funding system and the declaration requirements.


It is reported that all legally established enterprises and institutions, social organizations, higher education associations, rural revitalization organizations and other organizations (media/scientific research units, etc.) in China (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) that are committed to public welfare can apply through the only official website of the competition or enter the Shenzhen track nail group (44763019) for consultation, and the competition will close at 18:00 on July 22. Each participating entity can declare a maximum of two projects.


After the promotion and declaration period, the competition will enter the three-stage evaluation stage of "Finalist-Promotion-Finalist", and the project grant allocation and post-investment empowerment work will be completed in October and November.


The main competition focusing on "rural revitalization and sustainable development" will set up a grant of 1.06 million RMB to select 20 outstanding projects nationwide; the Shenzhen track targeting "livelihood services" will set up a grant of 640,000 RMB to select 10 outstanding projects. The organizing committee will also award "finalist certificates" to the top 100 projects in the main competition and the top 30 projects in the Shenzhen track; and provide a non-qualified resource integration incentive grant of RMB 1 million to support high-quality projects to integrate social resources.


Case studies were also shared at the presentation. Among them, Chen Jisen, Secretary General of Shenzhen Metro Volunteer Federation, who was in charge of the Silver Award project of 2020 Competition, introduced the winning project "The Last Kilometer, Barrier-free Travel", which was established to solve the problem of the last kilometer from the subway entrance to the doorstep of the disabled people, and to achieve the precision of The purpose of the project is to solve the problem of the last mile from the subway entrance to the doorstep of people with disabilities and to help them precisely. At the same time, the project operation process through the integration of "enterprises, government, public welfare organizations, media" and other resources to achieve greater project goals and greater benefit to the service recipients.


Mr. Lin Liang, Executive Deputy Director of Shenzhen Longgang Spring Social Service Center, who was in charge of the 2017 Gold Award project "Colorful Sunshine - Employment Support Program for Kidney Friends", introduced the project "Forget Me Not", which was selected as one of the top 100 projects for two consecutive years in 2020 and 2021. "The project aims to promote public awareness of cognitive impairment through science education, non-pharmacological intervention training and family support services, and to promote timely diagnosis and early systematic intervention for cognitively impaired elders to slow down the disease process.


From the perspective of professionalism and technology, Zhang Yu, Secretary General of Shenzhen Love Reading Charity Foundation, shared the theme of "Focusing on early reading for children and promoting good parenting", firstly, she introduced the theoretical basis of early reading for the development of lifelong reading ability, and then she discussed "Family perspective to promote early reading, emphasizing professionalism and science". Then, he introduced the operation logic of "Love Reading Project" from several aspects, such as "family perspective to promote early reading, emphasizing professionalism and science, empowering the project by means of technology, and advocating linking all levels of society", which gradually promotes the formation of social consensus on parenting from "early childhood education" to "early childhood good parenting". The project vision is to gradually promote the formation of social consensus on childcare from "young children have education" to "young children have good education".


Source: Sina Finance