The Seminar on Promoting High-Quality Development Through Tech for Social Good Held in Shenzhen, Promoting the Integration of Technology and Ethics
发表日期:2023-09-17 20:00:00

On the morning of September 16th at 9 o'clock, the Sub-topic Seminar of 10th CCF, “Promoting High-Quality Development Through Tech for Social Good” (hereinafter referred to as the "Seminar"), organized by the Office of the Organizing Committee of the CCF and co-organized by the Shenzhen Huaqiang Foundation and the Shenzhen China Charity Fair Development Center, was grandly opened in the Osmanthus Hall on the 6th floor of the Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center (Futian). YANG Haobo, Deputy Director of the Shenzhen Civil Affairs Bureau, and XUE Feng, Director of the Social Service Department of the All China Federation of Industry and Commerce (Guangcai Business Unit), attended the seminar.


It is reported that this Seminar aims to deeply explore how technology can contribute to the high-quality development of society, in which more than 120 experts, scholars, business and media representatives from the public welfare and technology sectors participated.

Since the 18th Party Congress, the Party Central Committee, with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, has attached great importance to the ethical governance of science and technology. In the year of 2022, General Secretary XI further emphasized in the report of the 20th Party Congress that science and technology should insist on facing the major needs of the country and the life process of human beings. A series of major decisions and deployments of the CPC Central Committee on science and technology as well as scientific innovation not only provide a fundamental guideline for scientific and technological work, but also point out the direction for the high-quality development of philanthropy in the new era.


YANG Haobo said in his speech that Shenzhen, as a demonstration zone of socialism with Chinese characteristics, closely follows the national development strategy, has taken benefiting the people as an important direction of scientific and technological development for many years, and has used new technologies, new models and new methods such as Internet +, finance+, blockchain +, artificial intelligence, 5G to constantly promote the construction of smart medicine, education and communities, and actively guide Shenzhen scientific enterprises to innovate products and technical means, and has also made many beneficial explorations in improving people's livelihoods and promoting social progress through technological advancements. In the future, it hopes to further guide the power of tech for social good, and better serve the elderly, young, and vulnerable groups, and key areas of people's livelihood such as education, healthcare, employment, and ecology. Shenzhen will take the lead in establishing a demonstration highland for tech for social good in the country, and strive to create a benchmark city for people's livelihood.


During the keynote speech, Ms. WANG Yifan, Vice Chairman and Secretary General of the China Red Cross Foundation, shared with the attending guests the practices, efforts, and explorations made by the Foundation using digital technology. She said that with the continuous progress and innovation of technology, we are gradually entering an era where digital technology is ubiquitous. The application of digital technology has profoundly changed people's way of life and the mode of economic and social development. In the field of public welfare, the assistance of technology and the growth of the industry have gradually formed a mutual trust relationship between the public and public welfare, and have gradually made carrying out good deeds casually a habit in people's daily lives. Subsequently, WANG Yifan also introduced the "May 8th · Humanity Public Welfare Day" jointly organized by the Chinese Red Cross Foundation and internet companies, the development of a digital rescue platform for social emergency forces, as well as the practical experience of projects such as the First Aid E-station and the Red Cross Charity Health E-station.


How to effectively leverage the functions and strength of charitable organizations and promote the spirit of Chinese charity? HUANG Haoming, Executive Director of the Asia Academy of Philanthropy and Honorary Chairman of the China Association for NGO Cooperation, stated that it is not only necessary to change the governance structure of charitable organizations, leverage the role of a government, and promote digital management of public welfare, but also to embrace Internet technology, big data application, artificial intelligence, and blockchain technology to promote transparent management of public welfare charitable organizations, and strengthen the capacity building of digital charity professionals, recruit more college students to work in public welfare organizations and provide professional services for digital charity.

How to integrate technology with social needs and public management requires a lot of cross-border collaborative thinking. As the initiator of Tencent's technology public welfare, CHEN Yan shared with the attending guests the exploration experience of Tencent's technology public welfare joint project team. She stated that as a technology company with so many technical teams, she hopes to establish a good connection between the company's resources, capabilities, and public welfare organizations in the future, and promote the development of technology to support public welfare undertakings.


During the round table discussion, FU Changbo, as the moderator, jointly discussed the relationship between technology and goodness, as well as how enterprises can contribute to the development of public welfare undertakings, with HUANG Qingwei, Deputy Secretary General of Ant Foundation, LIU Xiaojun, ESG Director of Honor Terminal Co., Ltd., ZHAO Keyu, Minister of Transformation Department of Shenzhen Bay Laboratory, and CHEN Lan, Deputy Secretary General of Information Accessibility Research Association, focusing on the theme of promoting high-quality development through tech for social good.


Finally, Mr. LV Zhenya, President of China Newsweek and President of China Philanthropist, commented on the content of this seminar.

It is worth mentioning that in addition to hosting this seminar, the 10th CCF also features a special exhibition area of tech for social good, releases innovation cases of tech for social good, creates a viewing and experience event for the innovation application scenarios of tech for social good, highlights the service solutions and application scenarios of technology in solving social and people's problems, guides and leverages more social resources to invest in the field of people's livelihood, and translates scientific achievements into tangible benefits for people's livelihoods, thus making technological innovation more warm, and enhancing the quality of people's services.